Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Making sure your query letter gets noticed

Query.  Say it again.  Query.  Everytime the word is spoken, some poor writer can be found cowering in the corner.  Just how should a reader go about writing and sending a query letter?

 Jane Friedman over at Writer's Digest posted a great guest post by Marcus Sakey, the bestselling author of four novels. 

Marcus says that when you write a query letter, you are not selling your book with a query, you are trying to seduce an agent.  He suggests that potential authors:
  1. Finish the book.  Polish it up.
  2. Decide which agents to approach.  Do your research.
  3. Write the dreaded query. 
Read what he has to say, and now pick one and go do it! 
Me?  I'm logging off and sticking my butt to the chair to write.