"I love learning new things. I love dreaming. Combine the two and you have a novel." -Rachel Ann Nunes
Rachel Ann Nunes so kindly answered some of my questions regarding her book, Imprints and the sequel, Shades of Gray that will come out in 2011. Thank you Rachel for allowing us to go "behind the scenes" and take a peek into the mind of an author.
You can read my review of this wonderful book here.
Q: What inspired you to write your first book?
A: I simply knew from a very young age that I wanted to be an author. For as long as I can remember, writing novels is what I planned to do. I was an avid reader and always made up what I thought were wonderful stories in my mind. When I was in France for six months as an eleven-year-old, the seed for my first published novel, Ariana, began to grow, and two years in Portugal added to the European flavor of the novel.
Q: Does your family enjoy your books?
A: My daughters read them, and one particular daughter, Catia, is my biggest supporter. She pre-reads all my books for me.
Q:Is there a message in Imprints that you want readers to grasp?
A: If there's a message in Imprints, it's that you don't have to include a lot of raunchy sex scenes, child sacrifice, and swear words every page like all the national paranormal novels for adults out there. I believe the reason why young adult paranormal novels are so popular is that because they don't waste time with that sort of thing. There seems to be a real disconnect between publishers and readers these days in regards to what readers really want.
Read the entire interview on my book review blog